Thursday, 16 November 2017



Today is not what yesterday was...

Genesis 2:7 God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive - a living soul! [The message]

Do you know why a lion will not act like one amidst a herd of cattle? Because he doesn't know he is a lion.
He probably has been with them since inception. But I'm certain that doesn't change his identity from being a lion.
An heir to the throne will automatically start acting like one when he gets to know who and what he is.

We will unleash the world of our identity here, right from scriptural inception.

The scriptures recorded man as being molded with dirt, but the entrance of God's breath made him live. This simply gives us a true picture of what man is.
Man is not the molded dirt, man is the breath God gave into the lifeless molded dirt.
Before the breath was given, the molded dirt was like a statue, but God's breath became its life.

Now let's be factual about this. God spoke with his triune beings deciding that they create man just like God himself, in his self same image.
Its no news to say that God is a spirit.
If God then is a spirit, do you think he would create a man out of the dirt and call that his image?
Here's the truth, God's manifestation of creating his likeness in man came through the given breath. We can simply say then, that God duplicated himself into the lifeless dirt. If God is spirit, that means he gave a duplicate of his spiritual nature into the lifeless molded dirt. And that became man in his likeness. Not the flesh[the molded dirt], but the spirit that makes the flesh live.

Say to yourself guys, "I am a duplicate of God himself, I am God on earth, I am a spirit being, I am just like God."

Hey! Its enough! Stop being cheated! Here's the light!
You are God himself on earth. Psalm 82:6.
Maybe you don't understand yet...
Wait, let's check the reason he had to create man.

Genesis 1:26 God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature  So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth."  [The message]

A manufacturer, for the lack of a better word, would not live his products bare and not taken care of. And if you are a business person, you will testify to the fact that you wouldn't want just anyone to watch over your enterprise for you. You would hire someone who you trust like yourself...
If possible you would duplicate yourself to do the job. [Smiles]...
That's exactly what God did. Everything is possible with God. So he duplicated himself into a lifeless molded dirt, so that through that flesh, he would be the one overseeing affairs on earth.

Guys, we are Gods on earth. That's our identity. Being an "Active king" and ruling your day effectively has to emanate from this knowledge.
Be set free now, cus the truth wont just do that for you, the knowledge of it will.
Now that you know... Be the God of your life as you live like God himself from the inside out.

Please note this guys: We are not God himself who resides in heaven, who rules over heaven and earth. But you are a duplicate of him on earth.
God himself rules over the heavens and the earth, but you are here to rule over your day.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Today is not what yesterday was. God disguises his training in a bid to teach his children this.
Don't ever think of how yesterday went. It will only bring you down.
He allows you to wake up into new chances, opportunities, and possibilities.
A lot of people fall into the same pit because they see today as no different from yesterday.
Your inner strength rises when you allow yourself to see the possibilities of what today can change in your life.
Forget the past.
Live the present.
Enjoy the future.
You own every new day you see.
You are the king of your day.
Tell yourself... "I will not allow the same mistake I made yesterday, my day will be perfect today".

Friday, 10 November 2017



Today is not what yesterday was...

A lot of us see today as yesterday.
Most people don't leave the status quo for a long time (looking like forever) because they trap themselves in the past. People see yesterday in today.
Don't get confused.
I mean, just like someone abnormally taking a used cheque book to the bank for a new withdrawal.. People take a used "day" right into a new day and expect new things.
Listen, God's will in calling us kings on earth is not really about you having an actual kingdom of people to rule over. But when you start being the King of your day, then you start becoming the king of your life.
This starts by taking the first step of forgetting the past. You can't rule when you have past failures in mind.

Keep this in mind: God doesn't care about even the past seconds of your life, he cares only about what you will do next.

Follow up on this page with me and let's unleash together how we can effectively rule our day on scriptural terms.

*Your day is your home kingdom. Your kingship extends effectively to every other aspect of life when your day is rightly governed.


[ THE ACTIVE KING ] Today is not what yesterday was ... Genesis 2:7 God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his no...