Saturday, 30 July 2016


Ha! Hello guys. How have y'all been? I trust God has been working greatly in you.

Lets look into this guys. I've gotten to realize lately, that the believers are not under unnecessary pressure and oppression because the devil is all mighty or because he rules the earth; as stated in the Bible. I've realized that believers know too much about our God that they just want to start living like him [which is the best], but thinking they can just do that on their own.
You might be reading this right now and thinking you are not a part of what I'm saying, but deep inside you, you really are a part. I've realized that we have so obviously spiritual Christians, with us thinking that there's a probability of them being able to see God.(Due to how obvious their service to God is).
But here is the frustrating thing; those people still end up making our Father cry! They still end up making him think he made a mistake of creation! Or maybe I should make this a little personal, talking about us; We still end up making him cry! Most of us actually think we are serving him. We think we can attain his righteousness.
But here's the thing; no matter how hard we try, we end up were we don't want to. No matter how perfect our plans of holiness appears, we still end up doing the opposite. I'd like to speak out most of our heart cries, "we are tired". I'm sure you'd be telling yourself deep inside... "Oh God! I'm so fed up. I don't even know what else to do"

I'd like you to read this piece closely. I, Kelly bright, has been mandated to teach Good Living. Now here's good living; Paul faced exactly what you are facing right now. In Romans 7:15-24, Paul saw how helpless he was, as anointed has he was, he did what he didn't want to do, his heart and spirit was willing something else, but his flesh was doing something else entirely. He was "tired".
Note this, this piece is meant for those who are tired, if you think you still have enough strength to please God, if you think you know what to do to walk with him, you should please close up his page right now.

Paul expressed a sense of dejection, depression, utter sadness and helplessness at the 24th verse, saying "O unhappy and pitiable and wretched man that I am! Who will release and deliver me from [the shackles of] this body of death"AMP version. Brethren! He was helpless!
But there was a difference in the 25th verse of that chapter, where he said, "O thank God! [He will!] through Jesus Christ (the Anointed one) our Lord!..." .
Listen guys! God will only save us from ourselves through Jesus Christ. But how? Will he come back down again to save us? No! All we have to do is to see how helpless we are and look up to him.
God commanded Moses in Numbers 21:8 to set up a serpent for the people to get healed. Verse 9 says, "And Moses made a serpent of bronze and put it on a pole, and if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked to the serpent of bronze [attentively, expectantly, with a steady and absorbing gaze], he lived". God has placed a bronze serpent on a pole for us too, which is Jesus Christ. The people of Israel didn't have to start searching for a remedy to the serpent bite, all they had to do was to look up to the serpent of bronze on the pole. Looking up to it attentively, with focus, and with total dependency on it, with no disturbances. We are also to see our helplessness and look up to Jesus on the cross, attentively, with your whole heart and being. Come on! Quit the stress! Quit the work! Just look up to him. Rest in him! Depend on him!
"Lord! I cannot do this on my own! Even if I pray and fast, I still find myself doing that same thing, but I've come to realize that my gaze on you and rest in you can take all my burdens". That's the kind of Prayer God wants, not this, "Lord, I need to overcome this thing, give me the grace to, starting from now I will work against it cuz you certainly do not want it, please give me your power". So many do not actually understand what Grace really is and how to get strength from God. With God, we will talk about that soon.
The main thing here is that; you accept your helplessness and go to him with total dependency! Yes you Love him, and He Loves you too, that's why he wants you too cast all cares on Him.


Monday, 11 July 2016


Righteousness which means your right standing with God, is not about your works. You are actually wasting precious spiritual time by trying to be right with God. God will never count our works as righteousness. That is why He said that "our righteousness is like a filthy rag". Isaiah 64:6. He needs us to operate in His righteousness not ours. God's righteousness is based on Faith, not on works. Yea it is true that Apostle James told us in James 2:14-26, that "faith without works is dead...", do not miss-interpret this, the only work that Faith requires is an act of Faith, which is Casting Your Cares on Him. The act of Faith is resting on the victory not working to get the victory.
This is Righteousness. Most believers work hard to make sure they please God through their righteousness, unfortunately, they fall, and they realize that no matter how hard they try, they just keep falling. It's not because "trying" is not good or not enough, but because "trying" to be righteous is not God's kind of righteousness. That is not Faith. You can not please God without Faith. Hebrews 11:6. Faith is surrendering all to God and totally resting even if he fails or not, but following His word.
That is God's righteousness. You do not have to form up a plan to please God! Come on! You don't keep yourself in such bondage! God will not accept you if you feel you know what to do to make him accept you, then maybe He shouldn't have sent Jesus to die. You have to appear with a contrite heart and a broken spirit before him. Psalm 51:17. Acknowledging the fact that we are helpless, we can't live as we want to live. Romans 7:15-19.

Yet there is a "work of Righteousness". Mind you, it is not a work towards righteousness but in righteousness, in victory. Try ask yourself a question:

  •  Can I do something to attain God's kind of righteousness?
If you think you can then you should overlook that question and keep trying to. But this piece is for you who have tried and seen that it isn't what you think it is, that it isn't as easy as you thought it would be. The good news today is that it is the easiest thing to do. 

Watch this; - If you are a Governor, would you still need to try to be a Governor?
                   - If you are a girl, would you still need to be a girl?

Believers think they need to be holy, not knowing that they are holy already. The only work they'd be needing to do is working in holiness, not working to be holy. God told us to be holy just as He is holy. He didn't say we should strive to be holy, He never meant that we all should waste our strengths and time trying to be holy, but He meant that we should know that we are holy just as He is. Come on! Get loose! We were made in His likeness. Genesis 1:26. As He is, so we are in this world! 1 John 4:17. Ha! Get yourself loosed! No more struggle! We shall be holy! For he is holy!! 1 Peter 1:16.
He didn't say we should try to be holy, but we are already holy! For He is holy!

So guys! This is it! Do not work to be, but work knowing that you are already! You do have souls to win! You have generations to save! Do not waste your time and strength trying to be what you are already. But being Holy and in right standing with God, follow his Word! "...nevertheless, at thy word we will let down the net..." Luke 5:5.

This is Righteousness.



[ THE ACTIVE KING ] Today is not what yesterday was ... Genesis 2:7 God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his no...